Whether you realise it or not, every successful person operates a ‘system‘. A system is created through one’s knowledge, experiences, overcoming challenges, learning from mistakes and those one associates…
The word ‘no’ is one of the most powerful words in the English language. Many people have trouble saying the word ‘no’ as they are concerned they will…
Learn the five common tactics manipulative people use to expend your time, energy, and money. Business is a fascinating journey, particularly when you’re working as a solopreneur. Every…
The road to evolution starts with understanding the power of your mind. Successful people create their own reality wisely using the power of the brain to create the outcomes they want…
Every thought we have is a vibration and the key to maintaining positivity is to learn how to change our state. Every thought we have is a vibration. When we…
The reason we have more followers than leaders in our society. A few weeks ago, I was interviewing Adam Markel. Markel suggested one of the issues within society is that as children we…
Jeremy Liddle from Capital Pitch explains why entrepreneurs struggle to find funding. Jeremy Liddle believes entrepreneurs are changing the world and personally understands the challenges they experience. The…
You need to possess ample amounts of patience and persistence to stay in the game. As human beings, we have access to one of the most powerful machines in…
If you want to be the founder of a billion-dollar empire, study these mental tricks. Peter Voogd is author of the 27-time international best-selling book 6 Months to 6 Figures, creator of the wildly…